What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone talks about health? Your mind might go to your aching knee or your sister mentioning struggling with depression, or pictures a doctor’s office,… Read more.
02.15.2022 /
Adina Marx,
Insights Column
Advocates in the fight for health care justice – the ability of everyone to live their healthiest life – have hit the ground running in 2022. Families USA Executive Director Frederick Isasi, put words… Read more.
02.08.2022 /
Adina Marx,
Insights Column
Mask mandates, postponed football and basketball games, and restaurants closing their dining rooms. Like the horror movie villain who just don’t die, COVID-19 cases are surging for a second consecutive winter and we’ve seen… Read more.
12.20.2021 /
Rebecca Gordon,
Kelly Murphy,
Insights Column
Frederick Isasi is the executive director of Families USA and a trusted leader on how we can make sure we get the best possible care and that everyone can be healthy, regardless of the… Read more.
11.09.2021 /
Adina Marx,
Frederick Isasi,
Insights Column
“I have to choose every month, do I want to buy groceries, or do I want to see the dentist? That’s just not right.” –Debra Smith Debra Smith lives in Spring Hill, Tennessee. In 2015, she had hip… Read more.
10.25.2021 /
Adina Marx,
Insights Column