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Health Care Value

Texas vs. United States: What’s at stake for Veterans

State and federal opponents of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have filed a lawsuit asking the courts to throw out the entire ACA, based on Congress’s 2017 decision to eliminate the tax penalty for pe...

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Maryland’s Path to a Prescription Drug Affordability Board

Written by Catherine Kirk Robins, Deputy Director, Maryland Citizen’s Health Initiative The drug pricing system in this country is broken. Lifesaving medicines are frequently priced out of reach,...

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Colorado will finally protect patients from surprise medical bills

Written by Caitlin Westerson, Director of Legislative Affairs at Colorado Consumer Health Initiative In September 2016, Zoe Williams got the text message that no parent wants to get: her 3-year old...

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Surprise Medical Bills: Rep. Doggett’s Bill Would Protect Consumers

Yesterday, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) introduced the End Surprise Billing Act, legislation to protect health care consumers from surprise medical bills. Families USA is thrilled to endorse this le...

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How Expanding Medicaid Saves Medicare Money

A recent report from the Government Accounting Office(GAO) points to one more reason why expanding health coverage under the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) makes good economic sense. Expanding Medi...

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New Study Shows Increase in Hospital Use Following Medicaid Expansion Is Mostly Temporary

A new study released by the UCLA Center for Health Care Research pokes holes in an argument that opponents of Medicaid expansion often use to justify their opposition: that giving uninsured people M...

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Health on the Hill: Good and Bad Proposals in Congress This Spring

The big news from Capitol Hill this spring comes courtesy of House Republicans, who are still mulling over plans to replace the Affordable Care Act. As we’ll explain, although no formal plan has bee...

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Prescription Drug Price Gouging: Maryland’s Landmark Law Protects Consumers

There is no shortage of reports of prescription drug companies hiking the prices of life-saving medicines by 100, 1000, even 10,000 percent, sometimes overnight. Consumers have seen drastic price inc...

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Closing the Medicare Part D Doughnut Hole: The End Is in Sight!

The meaning of the 2012 election results will probably be debated for months, if not years. But a few things are clear. Nearly everyone agrees that President Obama's reelection means that the Affordab...

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The CREATES Act Helps Tackle Prescription Drug Costs

High and rising prescription drug prices force consumers to skip doses or even avoid filling their prescriptions for life-saving medications altogether. Now is the perfect time for Congress to finall...

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