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Being a Woman Just Got a Little Easier: How the Affordable Care Act Benefits Women

The Affordable Care Act guarantees that women will be able to get affordable health insurance that covers the health services they need. Thanks to the health care law, women cannot be denied coverage ...

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Designing the Essential Health Benefits for Your State: An Advocate’s Guide

The Affordable Care Act requires all health plans to cover a minimum set of benefits, known as essential health benefits. Although the law establishes 10 broad categories of minimum services, each sta...

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Creating Consumer-Friendly Wellness Programs to Promote Healthy Lifestyles

Wellness programs can be a powerful tool to help individuals improve their health and reduce their risk of developing chronic conditions. These programs encourage people to adopt healthy behaviors, li...

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Lower-Income Families See Healthcare Costs Soar in House Repeal Bill

See also: Seniors' Premiums Skyrocket under House Repeal Bill

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When a Health Insurer Leaves the Individual Market: What States Can Do before Certain Affordable Care Act Changes Take Effect in 2014 

Before the Affordable Care Act goes into full effect in 2014, consumers who buy health insurance on their own are at risk of losing their coverage if a health insurer decides to stop selling individua...

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Decoding Your Health Insurance: The New Summary of Benefits and Coverage

Consumers need clear information on their health insurance, but what insurance companies provide is often hard to understand. The Affordable Care Act now requires insurers to give consumers concise, s...

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Good Business Sense: The Small Business Tax Credit in the Affordable Care Act

Small businesses are less likely than big business to offer health insurance to their workers. To help fix this problem, the Affordable Care Act offers a new tax credit to small business owners who pr...

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Work Requirements in Medicaid: A Bad Idea

    A work requirement in Medicaid is not only a bad idea, it’s unnecessary and counterproductive. It would not help move low-income people out of poverty and may actually increase po...

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A Nation in Need of Dental Care

The Affordable Care Act will expand access to dental coverage, especially for children. This fact sheet explains why advocates who are helping implement the health care law in their states should incl...

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Cutting Medicaid Would Hurt Rural America

Medicaid is critical to the fabric of rural America. Rural residents in communities across America rely on Medicaid to get health coverage. Medicaid also helps rural hospitals keep their doors open...

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