How People in 19 States Will Benefit from the New Health Insurance Marketplaces - Families USA Skip to Main Content

How People in 19 States Will Benefit from the New Health Insurance Marketplaces


Starting on October 1, 2013, people across the country will be able to enroll in affordable, comprehensive health plans through their state’s health insurance marketplace. Millions of Americans will also be able to get financial assistance to help pay for  that health insurance. In states that expand Medicaid, even more people will be able to get comprehensive health coverage at little or no cost.

Find out how many people in each state will be able to get Medicaid or financial assistance to buy insurance through the marketplaces. These infographics also show how much a family of three might pay for health coverage depending on their income.

You can also learn more about how the Affordable Care Act has helped people in every state since 2010 by:

  • letting young adults stay on their parents’ health plans until they turn 26
  • requiring health insurance companies to spend at least 80-85 percent of premium dollars on health care
  • offering free preventive services for people with Medicare
  • giving seniors discounts on brand-name prescription drugs while they are in the Medicare coverage gap known as the “doughnut hole”

Briefs: Illinois | Iowa | Michigan | Nevada | California | Georgia | Colorado | North Carolina | Louisiana | Florida | Arizona | New York | New Jersey | Ohio | Montana | Pennsylvania | Virginia | Texas