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Webinar: Improving Affordability and Coverage in the Individual Market

Innovators from across the states discuss time-sensitive opportunities for state advocates to significantly improve affordability of coverage in the individual market. Experts discuss opportunities...

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Proposed Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements Would Be a Costly Burden on Missouri’s Government Compared to Simple Medicaid Expansion

This fall, Missourians will vote on whether to join nearly every other state in implementing Medicaid expansion. Polls indicate that expansion will pass with a large majority. In total, Medicaid expan...

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Medicaid Stakeholder Sign-On Letter Opposing Block Grant Guidance

Families USA led over 450 stakeholder organizations to oppose the recent block grant guidance released by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Together, we believe this guidance threatens the e...

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Nebraska Icon

Nebraska Is Holding Up Its Medicaid Expansion to Pursue a Misguided Waiver to Cut Dental Benefits

In fall 2018, Nebraska voted to finally expand Medicaid, as most other states had already done. The state’s Medicaid expansion will extend coverage to almost 100,000 Nebraskans, including single adu...

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Presidential Broken Promises: Short Analyses on Prescription Drugs, Pre-Existing Conditions and Health Insurance Coverage, Medicare, and Medicaid

We are now over three years into Donald Trump’s presidency. President Trump has delivered the final State of the Union address and introduced the final budget proposal of his first term. We can now ...

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Collateral Damage: The Administration’s Public Charge Immigration Restrictions are Endangering Health Coverage for U.S.-Citizen Children

For more than a generation, Democratic and Republican administrations alike held to two core commitments: Children should have the health insurance they need for a good start in life; and immigrant fa...

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Medicare Oral Health Benefit Passed by the House of Representatives Sets Bold Precedent but Should Be Strengthened to Best Serve Low- and Moderate-Income Enrollees

In December 2019, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would add dental coverage to Medicare as part of H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act. This is an enormous ste...

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Amicus filed in Doe v Trump, challenging Trump’s Immigration Proclamation

Doe v. Trump challenges President Trump’s immigration proclamation, which would bar the entry of immigrants to the United States unless they demonstrate that they have an “approved” form of heal...

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#PassABillOrPayMine Digital Day of Action

Be sure to follow us on Twitter @FamiliesUSA to take part in our #PassABillOrPayMine Digital Day of Action on Tuesday, November 12th, as we fight to hold our Members of Congress accountable for fail...

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Families USA’s Surprise Medical Bill Legislation Response

Key House and Senate health care leaders in both parties reached a deal on Sunday on legislation to protect patients from surprise medical bills. Families USA and the No Surprises Campaign fully sup...

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