Community Health Workers at Health Action - Families USA Skip to Main Content

Community Health Workers at Health Action

Health Action is the premier conference for health care advocates from across the country. Hundreds of advocates gather every year to get updated on federal and state policy, build skills and networks, and share best practices for advancing health care policy that improves access, affordability, and health equity.

Our Health Action conference has been a fantastic strategic opportunity to raise awareness about the value of community health workers and how advocates can advance sustainable funding of their tremendous work and promote the integration of CHWs into health care teams. Through plenaries, interactive workshops and networking opportunities, Health Action has elevated CHWs among hundreds of advocates and has helped advocates and CHWs from diverse states connect and learn from one another’s efforts.

Download CHW presentations from our most recent Health Action conferences to learn more.

Health Action 2018

Racism, Women’s Health, and Child Outcomes

The Many Benefits of Community Health Workers Across Settings and Populations 

State and National Organizing to Sustainably Fund Community Health Workers 

Health Action 2017

Funding and Integrating Community Health Workers through Medicaid

Promising State and Local Strategies to Improve the Health of Women of Color

Health Action 2016

Using Innovative Workforce Models to Improve Access and Reduce Disparities

Community Health Workers and Promotores Tackle Disparities in Diverse Communities

Health Action 2015

Tackling Health Disparities Using Delivery System Innovations in Medicaid

Families USA is grateful to The Kresge Foundation for its support of the Community Health Worker Sustainability Collaborative.

CHW Collaborative Goals

  • Raise awareness among health care advocates, providers, and policymakers of the value of CHWs for increasing prevention, improving outcomes, reducing disparities, and bending the health care cost curve.
  • Create and disseminate educational resources that highlight successful CHW models, viable pathways for sustainable funding, and other best practices.
  • Partner with advocates and other stakeholders to advance sustainable funding for CHWs.

CHW Collaborative Links