Unemployed young job seekers no longer have to worry about health care
By Eileen Falk,
Historically, young adults have been among the most likely to go without health insurance in the country. An astounding 13.7 million people between the ages of 19 and 29 were uninsured in 2008. Many lost coverage when they aged out of Medicaid or CHIP at the age of 19, and many more could not remain on their parent’s plan after they graduated from high school or college. In the transition between school and work, young adults often went without coverage.
Many entry-level jobs do not offer insurance or pay enough for young people to afford private insurance, particularly in these tough economic times. As a result, young adults are often less likely to have their own health insurance and more likely to forgo visits to the doctor to avoid hefty medical bills when they go uncovered.
Young job-seekers might still worry about finding the right job in this economy. But luckily there is one thing that many of these young adults no longer have to worry about: health insurance.
Now, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, young adults can remain on their parent’s plans until they turn 26. They will not lose their insurance when they graduate from school if they cannot find a job or if their job does not offer health care.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, young adults are now free to pursue the careers and education they want without worrying about how they will pay for their next doctor’s appointment or what will happen if they get sick. And we are all stronger because of it.