The Time Is Now: Coming Together to Win Against Big Hospital Corporate Greed - Families USA Skip to Main Content

The Time Is Now: Coming Together to Win Against Big Hospital Corporate Greed


As the election gets underway, now is the time for health advocates to prepare for the next big opportunity for Congress to make health care more affordable for our nation’s families!

In this webinar Families USA brought together leading health advocates for a National Organizing Rally to energize national and state partners for the Congressional lame duck fight to rein in the greed of big health care corporations.

Discussion topics included the state of play on key pro-consumer policy reforms including price and billing transparency legislation and same service, same price legislation, and opportunities to unify around key collective actions to ensure Congress feels a groundswell of support from all of us on the need to take action right now.

It is time for us to come together as a health care advocates to pass critical reforms that guarantee our nation’s families, working people, small businesses and employers can get the high-quality hospital care that they need at a price they can afford.