Spread the Word: Enrollment Is Still Open
Last night, news broke that the Trump administration has stopped advertising and outreach for the final few days of the fourth open enrollment period. Even though the ads have stopped, the open enrollment period has not stopped. It is critical that consumers hear loud and clear that they canstill enroll in coverage through January 31, 2017 and that they can get free local in-person assistance.
However, the Trump administration’s decision to pull the open enrollment ads adds to confusion among the public about the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Last week, President Trump signing the executive order related to the ACA also led to many consumers, advocates, and in-person assisters are wondering what to make of everything.
Today, Families USA is working with partners to broadcast the message that open enrollment continues and people should sign up before 1/31. Please help us create a social media storm by sharing posts to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
As Congress is debating repealing the ACA and looking at proposals to “replace” the ACA, one of the strongest messages to send is that consumers are signing up for coverage and are seeing the benefits of the ACA. In fact, millions are signing up and enrollment rates have surpassed those of past years.
As our Executive Director Ron Pollack told The Washington Post, “[T]he Trump administration’s mean-spirited decision to pull the already-paid-for enrollment ads belies the president’s promise that he wants to cover ‘everybody’ with health insurance.”
It’s important for us to push back, stand up for consumers, and share the message that people can still get covered.