Reinsurance 101: A Framework for State Advocates and Policymakers - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Reinsurance 101: A Framework for State Advocates and Policymakers

By Stan Dorn,


In state houses all across the country, advocates, legislators, and state officials are considering proposals to restore the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) temporary reinsurance program, which ended after 2016. This “Reinsurance 101” issue brief describes reinsurance and explains why it was originally included in the ACA. It then analyzes why some advocates and policymakers might consider implementing reinsurance in their states but others could hesitate to pursue such a policy. If reinsurance is a possibility in your state, you may find it helpful to read this short analysis from the National Center for Coverage Innovation. Some of these findings, which include state-by-state numbers, could come as a surprise. Download the full Reinsurance 101: A Framework for State Advocates and Policymakers brief.