Public Policy Toolkit for Enrollment Assisters - Families USA Skip to Main Content

Public Policy Toolkit for Enrollment Assisters

By Jane Sheehan,


As an enrollment assister, you have an important role to play in educating public officials and advocating on behalf of your profession and the consumers you serve. Advocacy is an important component of your work and can make a significant difference in ensuring that consumers have access to comprehensive, affordable health coverage.

The goal of this toolkit is to give you the knowledge and tactics you need to be effective advocates for the issues that matter to you and the consumers you help.

Your Voice

Enrollment assisters play a critical role in connecting millions of people to health coverage.

Federal Policy

This step-by-step overview of the federal law-making process will give you a basic understanding of how an idea becomes a law, and it will show you where there are opportunities to get involved.

State Policy

This guide provides an overview of state legislatures, as well as resources you can use to explore your state government further.

Reaching Out

Public officials, particularly officials who are elected to represent a group of constituents, are interested in hearing from the public about issues that matter to them.

Policy Issues

As an enrollment assister, there are numerous state and federal policy areas that affect your work.

This toolkit was written by Jane Sheehan and developed for print and web publication by the following Families USA staff: Shannon Attanasio, Nichole Edralin, Elizabeth Hagan, Jessica Kendall, Kara Nester, Evan Potler, Ingrid VanTuinen, Justin Weyman, and Patrick Willard.