Insights Column
NOTE: This blog was originally published in The RAND Blog on May 28, 2020. State and federal policymakers are considering adding state-backed public options to the individual market in an effort to expand health…
On May 12, 2020, House leadership released its proposal for the next round of COVID-19 legislation, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act (H.R. 6800). While the lengthy bill (more than…
COVID-19’s spread and the resulting economic collapse have moved with blinding speed. The first American died of COVID-19 on March 1. By May 1— just two months later — 63,000 had lost their lives.…
AnalysesFact Sheet
Click the download button below to see the answers to advocates' Frequently Asked Questions about state strategies to improve health coverage and access to care in light of the COVID 19 crisis. This resource…
As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, state policymakers are faced with difficult and critically important problems. Many people may lack comprehensive health insurance to get screened and treated without financial barriers to access. Many others,…
Advocacy GuideAnalysesReport
If states act quickly, they can significantly lower residents’ health insurance costs by claiming revenue the federal government is about to abandon. In December 2019, Congress ended the federal government’s health insurance assessment (HIA),…
On January 1, 2021, the federal government will abandon more than $15 billion in annual health insurance assessment (HIA) revenue. States that act promptly can capture the lion’s share of these dollars, using them…
Innovators from across the states discuss time-sensitive opportunities for state advocates to significantly improve affordability of coverage in the individual market. Experts discuss opportunities around state replacement of the federal health insurance assessment. More…
Families USA led 45 national organizations in the attached letter urging the Senate to swiftly take up recently House-passed proposals in H.R. 986 and H.R. 987 that improve health care coverage and access and undo administrative…
Insights Column
Stan Dorn, Silver Linings for Silver Loading, Health Affairs Blog, 6/3/2019, One of the strangest chapters in the Affordable Care Act’s history began a few hours after midnight on October 13, 2017. At 2:36…