Displaying 131 - 140 of 1664
Insights Column
July is Disability Pride Month, and Families USA was honored to have a conversation with Disability Rights Activist Ola Ojewumi about her personal health care journey and the work she does to inspire…
Insights Column
The Biden administration recently issued a proposed new rule to restrict the sale of “junk insurance” plans -- including short-term limited duration insurance and fixed indemnity policies -- which many people have mistaken for…
We strongly support the overall direction CMS is taking in these rules to advance the important goals of improving access to services, increasing transparency and monitoring of access, improving quality reporting, and advancing health…
Amicus Brief
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has transformed the American health care system by expanding coverage, lowering costs, and improving access to care. The Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra case is the newest politically motivated…
Families USA has submitted a comment letter responding to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed rule "Clarifying Eligibility for a Qualified Health Plan…
On June 22 Families USA and CMS hosted a webinar providing key information to advocates on how they can ensure that Medicaid unwinding goes smoothly in the coming months. Moderator: Yael Lehmann, Senior Director…
California is facing a health care affordability crisis resulting in some of the highest and most varying health care costs in the country. Behind the state’s extreme health care unaffordability are the business practices…
Families USA submitted the attached statement for the record to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce in advance of their mark-up of legislation related to health coverage, including: H.R. 2868, Association Health…
Consumers First, the alliance that brings together the interests of consumers, employers, labor unions, and primary care clinicians working to realign and improve the fundamental economic incentives and design of the health care system,…
Health care providers should be reimbursed at a level that supports the most efficient, highest quality care irrespective of the location in which it is provided – this is a foundational principle in the…