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Displaying 1021 - 1030 of 1642

Fact Sheet 03.17.2017

The American Health Care Act Fails America

Republicans in the House of Representatives moved forward this week to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by introducing the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Rather than build on the ACA’s historic progress, House…

Fact Sheet 03.15.2017

Work Requirements in Medicaid: A Bad Idea

    A work requirement in Medicaid is not only a bad idea, it’s unnecessary and counterproductive. It would not help move low-income people out of poverty and may actually increase poverty among many. It…

Comment 03.13.2017

Talking Points: CBO’s Score of The American Health Care Act

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has confirmed what we already know: The American Health Care Act (AHCA) would wreak havoc on the health care system. The bill would increase costs for consumers while providing less coverage. The…

Comment 03.09.2017

Talking Points: The American Health Care Act

The American Health Care Act would strip affordable coverage from working people, leaving millions uninsured and millions more facing drastically higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs. It would return us to a time when only…