Our Health Care Lottery
Originally posted by Adam Linker from our friends at NC Policy Watch.
Opponents of the Affordable Care Act have yet to give us a viable alternative. They tend to be big on repeal and short on replacement ideas. They are especially short on ideas that deal with pre-existing conditions and extending access to the uninsured.
The truth is that those pushing repeal are defenders of the status quo. And here is an illustrative example of how things work now. A Virginia couple who recently won the Carolina Cash 5 lottery drawing said in the press release:
“I have lots of doctor bills,” his wife Kathy Walker said. according to an N.C. Education Lottery news release. “This money comes at a great time. Hopefully we can save some for the future, as well.”
Right now health care is a lottery. Some people get coverage and some people don’t. If you lose your job and lose your insurance and can’t find coverage due to a pre-existing condition, then you are left with Carolina Cash 5. I, for one, am grateful for reform.