I Am the Heart of ObamaCare, and So Are You!
During the extensive coverage of the Supreme Court hearings on the Affordable Care Act, the health reform law, ObamaCare, or whatever you want to call it, many attempted to pin down what they thought was the core feature of the law. Justice Scalia claimed that the individual responsibility provision, otherwise known as the individual mandate, was the “heart” of the law. The Republican opposition claimed it was the “unprecedented” government overreach that defined it.
Today, Families USA is giving the real answer to this question. The heart of the law is people. You, me, even the folks who aren’t yet fans, we will all benefit from it, and it’s time to let everyone know that.
We are asking those who have already benefited from the passage of health reform to share their stories of how the Affordable Care Act has already improved their lives. Whether you’re a senior citizen who will get help paying for expensive prescriptions, a recent college grad who will be able to stay on your parents’ plan, or someone with a pre-existing condition who won’t have to worry about being denied health coverage, you are the true heart of the law.
But despite the clear difference that the law is making in the lives of many people, Republican officials have made it their mission to destroy the law and see those benefits taken away, all for the sake of scoring a few political points.
This is unacceptable, and we must show the Supreme Court just how important the decision they’re about to make is.
The justices are considering how they will rule at this very moment. Hearing from the public that the Affordable Care Act is working and should be here to stay can have an influence on their decision, but we must act soon. With less than a month left before we hear from the Court, we have a very small window to make a difference.
By sharing your story, you can show the justices how the law has made a difference for you and your family. You can show them that the law is something to be protected, not taken away. You can show them that despite what the media narrative or ideological talking points may say, you are the real heart of ObamaCare.