Families USA's "Give Families and States COVID-19 Support Now!" Coalition Sign-On Letter - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Families USA’s “Give Families and States COVID-19 Support Now!” Coalition Sign-On Letter


As Congress takes action today to finalize “Phase 3” legislation responding to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the undersigned organizations, who are dedicated to protecting the health of children, families, and the most vulnerable in our nation, strongly urge Congress to move legislation forward that includes least $150 billion in direct aid to states for fiscal relief as they deploy their resources to address critical health needs and absorb the related economic crisis.

The United States is facing a public health emergency greater than any we have seen in several generations. Moreover, the virus and the necessary social distancing measures made necessary to cope with its spread are already having profound impacts on the economy. Many experts warn our country may experience a deep recession. Additional state fiscal relief funding is critically needed to address public health demands, give states financial resources to cover COVID-19 related needs and help states absorb the economic impact of this crisis, including preventing major state budget cuts and massive layoffs in state and local government at the worst possible time.

To view the full sign-on letter, click the download button below.