Digital Toolkit: Centering Equity in Health Care Delivery and Payment Reform - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Digital Toolkit: Centering Equity in Health Care Delivery and Payment Reform



As COVID-19 continues to devastate families’ health and financial well-being—especially in Black, Latinx, and other communities of color—the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) with support from Families USA have published a groundbreaking report to urge California policymakers to address health inequities and racial injustice in the state. The report outlines six key strategies and 21 recommendation recommendations directly tying the California health care payment and delivery system to concrete improvements in health equity. The recommendations cut across the following six strategies:

  • Center Equity in Quality and Payment
  • Engage Patients, Families & Caregivers
  • Strengthen Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Care
  • Improve & Integrate Physical, Behavioral & Oral Health Care
  • Hold Health Plans and Systems Accountable
  • Improve Social Determinants of health

California policymakers now have a blueprint to enact bold policy solutions that will center the state’s health care system on health equity, reducing health inequities and improving the health of all people across the state.  The recommendations provide clear, actionable steps towards reform by addressing key barriers that make it difficult for vulnerable families and communities to access high quality, affordable care.

Leaders at every level of federal, state, and local government, including the Biden-Harris administration, should use the recommendations in this report as the foundation for advancing racial justice and improving health across the health care system.


  • The California Pan-Ethnic Health Network and Families USA released a groundbreaking report that details six key strategies and 21 recommendations for CA policymakers to adopt to directly tie the health care payment and delivery system to concrete improvements in health equity across the state.
  • COVID-19 has viscerally laid bare the connection between health and race as well as health and economic vitality, underscoring the need to challenge the incentives that drive injustice to address racism in health care.
  • Concurrently, the movement for racial justice has further galvanized the urgent need to address systemic racism including in our medical system and institutions in California and across the U.S. health care system. We now have a clear blueprint for key priorities for the incoming Biden-Harris Administration and policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels to make change.
  • This report lays out a blueprint for positioning health equity in how we value and pay for health care services. The recommendations provide clear, actionable steps toward reforms by addressing key barriers that make it difficult for vulnerable families and communities to access high quality, affordable care.
  • California policymakers should use these recommendations to take action in 2021 and beyond through bold policy reforms that aim to center CA’s health care system on health equity, reduce health inequities, and improve the health of all people in the state.
  • Leaders at every level of federal, state, and local government should use these recommendations to address systemic racism, advance racial justice, and improve health across the health care system.

Suggested Tweets

  • NEW REPORT: Read our bold and sweeping recommendations on what CA, & other states can do to ensure Medicaid managed care plans center equity efforts to improve quality.
  • .@CPEHN and @FamiliesUSA’s new report detail 6 key strategies and 21 recommendations in a roadmap that all states can adopt to more directly link health care payment and delivery reform efforts to promising strategies to achieve health equity in health care delivery systems!
  • Our new report is the culmination of a 2-year project funded by @CHCFNews and lead by @CPEHN and is being released just as CA state is set to embark on the first Medi-Cal managed care procurement process in over 20 years! This roadmap is a template ANY state can use.
  • “Despite individual actions and intentions, our health care system as designed often makes health outcomes worse, particularly for communities of color, by perpetuating the very inequities it seeks to address.” Read what federal, state, local policymakers can do to address these inequities here
  • “The next chapter of health care delivery and payment reform in CA, [and for our nation], offers both a significant opportunity to address disparities and a risk that our continued failure to do so will only make disparities worse.” It’s time for policymakers to act!
  • Our new report states, “now is the time for bigger and bolder reforms to our public health care system to address persistent inequities in access, quality, and health outcomes in #Medicaid and health care more broadly.”
  • [Thread] Read @CPEHN new report with 6 key recommendations on what states can do to ensure health equity!
    1. Center Equity in Quality & Payment
    2. Engage Patients, Families & Caregivers
    3. Strengthen Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Care
    4. Improve & Integrate Physical, Behavioral, and Oral Health Care
    5. Hold Health Plans & Systems Accountable
    6. Improve the Social Determinants of Health 
  • We envision a world where “everyone is treated with the same level of dignity and respect, allowing everyone to achieve the best possible health outcomes, regardless of their income, sex, race, ethnicity, primary language, LGBTQ+ status, disability or immigration status.”
  • “We envision a health care system that prioritizes prevention & community health over profit, rather than one that treats high-quality health care as a commodity available only to those who are wealthy enough to pay market-determined prices.”
  • “To achieve equity, we must also turn our attention to transforming how care is delivered and paid for, and health equity must be a central focus of these efforts.” Read what CA, and other states using this roadmap can do to address health inequities here!
  • [Thread] “Centering equity as part of health system transformation and payment reform efforts now is imperative if we are to achieve our vision of a more equitable health care system where health care is comprehensive and affordable, where everyone is treated with the same level of dignity and respect, and where everyone achieves the best possible health outcomes.” Read what federal, state, and local policymakers can do to address health inequities here!
  • “The recommendations and strategies in this guide, if adopted, will help to ensure our safety-net clinics and providers are paid adequately for the individualized, equitable care they provide,” said Andie Patterson, VP of Government Affairs @CPCA.
  • Families don’t just need medical care, they need access to vital services and support like housing and nutrition after they leave the hospital or attempt to quarantine,”said Peter Long, Senior VP of Healthcare and Community Health Transformation @BlueShieldCA.
  • “Centering equity in payment and delivery reform will require all parts of the health care system to act with urgency and a willingness to create a radically different system of care,” says @ksavage713.
  • [Thread] “The pandemic accelerated our nation’s understanding of the inequities built into the health care system and shined a light on that the very lives of people of color hang in the balance,” @FamiliesUSA’s @FrederickIsasi
    “It has also underscored that we need to challenge the incentives that drive injustice to address racism in health care. The payments made to our hospitals and providers should require that they are focused on ensuring the best health for every living soul in the nation” @FrederickIsasi
  • [Thread] “@CPEHN’s report is a blueprint for positioning health equity in how we value & pay for health care services. The recommendations provide clear, actionable steps towards reform by addressing key barriers that make it difficult for vulnerable families & communities to access high quality, affordable care.” @FrederickIsasi
  • [Thread] CA’s communities of color, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals & persons with disabilities, continue to experience discrimination and have poorer outcomes than other Californians on key health indicators,” @ksavage713
    “Despite a stated commitment to addressing disparities, very few payment and delivery reform efforts are tied to measurably reducing them. Embracing these strategies now will put us on a path toward a more equitable and accessible health care system” @ksavage713