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Consumer Videos: Health Care At Risk


On March 4, 2015, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on King v. Burwell, a legal case that threatens to strip premium tax credits from residents in two-thirds of states, thus putting 9.3 million low- to moderate-income Americans at risk of losing their ability to afford health care coverage.

We’re reaching out to consumers from across the country and asking them to answer one question:
What would happen to you if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell legal case, and residents like you—who live in states with federally facilitated marketplaces—lose their tax credit subsidies?
The short videos below show what consumers would say to the Supreme Court about the prospect of losing their subsidies.

For more stories watch our new interactive video.

Certified Application Counselor on the Supreme Court steps – Hannah R.

Even Certified Application Counselors (CACs) showed up to support those who benefit from the Affordable Care Act. Hannah Rimar shares why she believes health care is important for ALL Americans.

Consumers on the Supreme Court steps – Stephanie B.

We hear from Stephanie Burton, a single mom of 4 children in Missouri. Burton, who was in the court room during the oral arguments, says that without her subsidy, she wouldn’t have health care.

Lawmakers on the Supreme Court steps

Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Congressmen Xavier Becerra and Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Congressmen Joe Crowley come together to support the Affordable Care Act and all the people it helps.

Doctors on the Supreme Court steps

Two doctors visit the Supreme Court to represent the 5-8 million Americans who make up their patient base. They rally at the Supreme Court to show their solidarity and to emphasize the importance of health insurance for sick patients.

Supreme Court consumer stories – Vanita J.

Vanita Johnson talks about what the subsidies provided by the Affordable Care Act has meant to her family while the Supreme Court hears arguments in King v. Burwell.

Supreme Court stories – Stephanie B.

See how the health care subsidies matter to Americans like Stephanie Burton, a single mom from Missouri, who doesn’t want to have to choose between paying her mortgage and paying for health care.

Mother of son with chronic illness

“For my son Aidan, who has Marfan syndrome, having health insurance is a matter of life and death. We simply don’t have the money right now. If we lost our subsidy, we’d have no insurance.”— Martha Robinson from Evansville, IN  (Share: Facebook | Twitter)

Liver transplant survivor

“The subsidy enables me to afford health insurance. I can’t afford health insurance if I lose my subsidy. If I can’t have health insurance, I can’t have health care. If I can’t get anti-rejection drugs, I will die.” — David Tedrow from Durham, North Carolina  (Share: Facebook | Twitter)

Young man with connective tissue disorder

“Before the ACA subsidy, my parents paid a whole lot out of pocket. They did so by going into extreme credit card debt—credit card debt that they knew they would never be able to recover from.”— Aidan Robinson from Greenfield, Indiana  (Share:  Facebook | Twitter)

Mother who suffers from severe anemia

“What scares me most about losing my premium subsidy is that I cannot think of how I would come up with those extra dollars. And, therefore, I probably wouldn’t be able to pay for my health insurance. Losing health insurance would impact my health.” — Sarah Lewis from Madison, Wisconsin  (Share: Facebook | Twitter)

What would you say to the Supreme Court about losing your premium subsidy?

People with serious health conditions talk about their fears if they were to lose the financial assistance they receive for marketplace health coverage.  (Share: Facebook | Twitter)

Sister Carol Keehan, President of the Catholic Health Association

“It is profoundly disruptive when people who have health care coverage lose it. Think about the mother in the middle of her pregnancy. Think about the family who has a child with cancer, and they’re in the middle of treatment. Think about these kinds of consequences. These are the lives of real people.”  (Share: Facebook | Twitter)

You can find more videos, analysis, consumer stories, and background information on the King v. Burwell case here.