2019 Archives - Page 6 of 16 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Utah Waiver Proposal – A Bad Deal for Utah Taxpayers and Government

The Utah Department of Medicaid released its much-anticipated proposal for a Section 1115 Medicaid waiver seeking a “per capita cap” – or a limit on federal spending – on major portions of i...

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Medicaid Expansion Toolkit

As state health care leaders look to leverage new opportunities to expand Medicaid in 2019, Families USA’s Medicaid Expansion Leadership Team (MELT) is developing resources and guides to assist st...

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Oral Health For All Story Collection Postcard

This postcard advertises Families USA’s Oral Health for All story collection website, which provides an avenue for people with unmet oral health needs to get involved in changing oral health policy...

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How High Prescription Drug Costs Harm Families

Drug companies consistently set high prices, which forces families to make impossible choices between their health care and other basic needs. Drug companies set exorbitant prices by design to maximiz...

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Statement of Principles: The Coalition for Fair Drug Prices

Eight in ten Americans say the cost of prescription drugs is “unreasonable.” This is a problem driven by high launch prices and price increases, which are rooted in drug corporations’ monopoly ...

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Racial and Ethnic Health Inequities Among Communities of Color Compared to Non-Hispanic Whites

These infographics illustrate the racial and ethnic health disparities undermining our health system. African Americans, Latinos, American Indian & Alaska Natives, and Asian Americans & Pa...

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Advancing Health Equity through System Transformation: Strengthening the Evidence Base to Achieve Health Equity

    Last December, Families USA launched the Center on Health Equity Action for System Transformation, a first-of-its-kind entity dedicated to developing and advancing patient-centered he...

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2019 State Paths to Better Health Care

This webinar discusses the latest strategies that state leaders and advocates are pursuing to improve the health care system for consumers. Families USA's invited guests and expert staff share leading...

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Accelerating Health Equity by Measuring and Paying for Results

The use of and reliance on quality measurement continues to grow with the increased focus on transforming the health care system into one that rewards value over volume. However, despite this increase...

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