2016 Archives - Page 7 of 8 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


New Push for Health Coverage for the Justice-Involved Population

The Obama administration recently took steps to help people leaving prison or jail get health coverage more easily. Last month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a long-awa...

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Proposed Kentucky Medicaid Changes Likely to Harm Enrollees

Since he was elected in November, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has been threatening to recast a successful health care program to fit his political ideology. This week his administration released thei...

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Louisiana’s Medicaid Expansion Takes Off

Beginning July 1, Louisiana will provide health coverage to more than 225,900 low-income adults after only one month of enrolling people in the state’s new Healthy Louisiana program. It is a remarka...

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Missouri’s Medicaid Waiver Spends More to Provide Less

Missouri’s 1115 waiver program, named the "Missouri Mental Health Crisis Prevention Program," was recently submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is awaiting approval....

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Maryland and New York Seek to Help People Leaving Incarceration Get Health Care

When people leave prison or jail, helping them get health care is critical to ensuring they reenter their communities as seamlessly as possible. To help connect this population to health coverage, bot...

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West Virginia’s Medicaid Coalition: The Bridge to the Middle Class

West Virginians for Affordable Health Care (WVAHC) formed a coalition, called “The Bridge to the Middle Class,” to support positive reforms in the state’s Medicaid expansion and head off any th...

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Changing Kentucky’s Medicaid Expansion Would Set Back a Successful Program

In June, we wrote about Governor Matt Bevin’s proposal to change Kentucky’s hugely successful Medicaid program, which had just been released for state comments.  The proposal has made its way th...

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Medicaid Expansion Improves People’s Financial Stability

Last month, Kentucky asked the federal government for approval to make significant and troubling changes to its highly successful Medicaid expansion program. To justify its request, the state assert...

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CMS Rejects Ohio’s Request for Harsh Policies in Its Medicaid Program

Last week, CMS rejected Ohio’s request to make significant changes to its Medicaid program. With this decision, CMS is making it clear that policies that make it harder for the lowest-income people...

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Two-Month-Old Medicaid Expansion is Already Helping Louisiana Get Healthy

It’s been only two months since the Louisiana Medicaid expansion—dubbed Healthy Louisiana—went into effect, and already Louisianans are reaping the benefits. New data show that Medicaid expan...

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