Federal Poverty Guidelines - Families USA Skip to Main Content

Federal Poverty Guidelines


The 2018 federal poverty guidelines have been released. The 2017 guidelines are also provided below for reference. Federal poverty levels are used to determine eligibility for certain federal health programs, including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

For more about the FPL guidelines, see this article by the George Washington University Milken Institute of Public Health: Poverty vs. Federal Poverty Level.

Eligibility for advance premium tax credits in the individual marketplace (exchange) is determined by 2017 federal poverty guidelines for the remainder of the 2018 coverage year. Eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP in 2018 is determined by the 2018 poverty guidelines.

2018 Federal Poverty Guidelines

2018 Federal Poverty Guidelines for the 48 Continental United States

Family Size
100% 138% 150% 200% 250% 300% 400%
1 $12,140 16,753 18,210 24,280 30,350 36,420 48,560
2 $16,460 22,715 24,690 32,920 41,150 49,380 65,840
3 $20,780 28,676 31,170 41,560 51,950 62,340 83,120
4 $25,100 34,638 37,650 50,200 62,750 75,300 100,400
5 $29,420 40,600 44,130 58,840 73,550 88,260 117,680
6 $33,740 46,561 50,610 67,480 84,350 101,220 134,960
7 $38,060 52,523 57,090 76,120 95,150 114,180 152,240
8 $42,380 58,484 63,570 84,760 105,950 127,140 169,520
9 $46,700 64,446 70,050 93,400 116,750 140,100 186,800
10 $51,020 70,408 76,530 102,040 127,550 153,060 204,080
11 $55,340 76,369 83,010 110,680 138,350 166,020 221,360
12 $59,660 82,331 89,490 119,320 149,150 178,980 238,640
13 $63,980 88,292 95,970 127,960 159,950 191,940 255,920
14 $68,300 94,254 102,450 136,600 170,750 204,900 273,200

2018 Federal Poverty Guidelines for Alaska

Family Size
100% 138% 150% 200% 250% 300% 400%
1 $15,180 20,948 22,770 30,360 37,950 45,540 60,720
2 $20,580 28,400 30,870 41,160 51,450 61,740 82,320
3 $25,980 35,852 38,970 51,960 64,950 77,940 103,920
4 $31,380 43,304 47,070 62,760 78,450 94,140 125,520
5 $36,780 50,756 55,170 73,560 91,950 110,340 147,120
6 $42,180 58,208 63,270 84,360 105,450 126,540 168,720
7 $47,580 65,660 71,370 95,160 118,950 142,740 190,320
8 $52,980 73,112 79,470 105,960 132,450 158,940 211,920
9 $58,380 80,564 87,570 116,760 145,950 175,140 233,520
10 $63,780 88,016 95,670 127,560 159,450 191,340 255,120
11 $69,180 95,468 103,770 138,360 172,950 207,540 276,720
12 $74,580 102,920 111,870 149,160 186,450 223,740 298,320
13 $79,980 110,372 119,970 159,960 199,950 239,940 319,920
14 $85,380 117,824 128,070 170,760 213,450 256,140 341,520

2018 Federal Poverty Guidelines for Hawaii

Family Size
100% 138% 150% 200% 250% 300% 400%
1 $13,960 19,265 20,940 27,920 34,900 41,880 55,840
2 $18,930 26,123 28,395 37,860 47,325 56,790 75,720
3 $23,900 32,982 35,850 47,800 59,750 71,700 95,600
4 $28,870 39,841 43,305 57,740 72,175 86,610 115,480
5 $33,840 46,699 50,760 67,680 84,600 101,520 135,360
6 $38,810 53,558 58,215 77,620 97,025 116,430 155,240
7 $43,780 60,416 65,670 87,560 109,450 131,340 175,120
8 $48,750 67,275 73,125 97,500 121,875 146,250 195,000
9 $53,720 74,134 80,580 107,440 134,300 161,160 214,880
10 $58,690 80,992 88,035 117,380 146,725 176,070 234,760
11 $63,660 87,851 95,490 127,320 159,150 190,980 254,640
12 $68,630 94,709 102,945 137,260 171,575 205,890 274,520
13 $73,600 101,568 110,400 147,200 184,000 220,800 294,400
14 $78,570 108,427 117,855 157,140 196,425 235,710 314,280

2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines

Federally facilitated marketplaces will use the 2016 guidelines to determine eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP.

 Household Size  100%  133%  150% 200% 250%  300% 400%
 1 $12,060 $16,040 $18,090 $24,120 $30,150 $36,180 $48,240
 2 16,240  21,599 24,360   32,480 40,600 48,720 64,960
 3 20,420  27,159 30,630   40,840 51,050 61,260 81,680
 4 24,600  32,718 36,900   49,200 61,500 73,800 98,400
 5 28,780  38,277 43,170   57,560 71,950 86,340 115,120
 6 32,960  43,837 49,440   65,920 82,400 98,880 131,840
 7 37,140  49,396 55,710   74,280 92,850 111,420 148,560
 8 41,320  54,956 61,980   82,640 103,300 123,960 165,280

2017 Alaska Poverty Guidelines

Household Size 100% 133% 150% 200% 250% 300% 400%
1 $15,060 $20,030 $22,590 $30,120 $37,650 $45,180 $60,240
2 20,290 26,986 30,435 40,580 50,725 60,870 81,160
3 25,520 33,942 38,280 51,040 63,800 76,560 102,080
4 30,750 40,898 46,125 61,500 76,875 92,250 123,000
5 35,980 47,853 53,970 71,960 89,950 107,940 143,920
6 41,210 54,809 61,815 82,420 103,025 123,630 164,840
7 46,440 61,765 69,660 92,880 116,100 139,320 185,760
8 51,670 68,721 77,505 103,340 129,175 155,010 206,680

2017 Hawaii Poverty Guidelines

 Household Size  100%  133%  150% 200% 250%  300% 400%
 1 $13,860 $18,434 $20,790 $27,720 $34,650 $41,580 $55,440
 2 18,670  24,831 28,005   37,340 46,675 56,010 74,680
 3 23,480  31,228 35,220   46,960 58,700 70,440 93,920
 4 28,290  37,626 42,435   56,580 70,725 84,870 113,160
 5 33,100  44,023 49,650   66,200 82,750 99,300 132,400
 6 37,910  50,420 56,865   75,820 94,775 113,730 151,640
 7 42,720  56,818 64,080   85,440 106,800 128,160 170,880
 8 47,530  63,215 71,295   95,060 118,825 142,590 190,120

2016 Federal Poverty Guidelines

Federally facilitated marketplaces will use the 2016 guidelines to determine eligibility for premium tax credits.

 Household Size  100%  133%  150% 200% 250%  300% 400%
 1 $11,880 $15,800 $17,820 $23,760 $29,700 $35,640 $47,520
 2 16,020  21,307 24,030   32,040 40,050 48,060 64,080
 3 20,160  26,813 30,240   40,320 50,400 60,480 80,640
 4 24,300  32,319 36,450   48,600 60,750 72,900 97,200
 5 28,440  37,825 42,660   56,880 71,100 85,320 113,760
 6 32,580  43,331 48,870   65,160 81,450 97,740 130,320
 7 36,730  48,851 55,095   73,460 91,825 110,190 146,920
 8 40,890  54,384 61,335   81,780 102,225 122,670 163,560

Source: Calculations by Families USA based on data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services