Insights Column
Healthy and Wealthy Benefit under the House Republicans’ Affordable Care Act Repeal Plan
If you have money and don’t get sick, you’ll like the new bill House Republicans released last night that repeals the Affordable Care Act. This bill benefits the wealthy and healthy at the expense...
View MoreIf Republicans End the Medicaid Expansion: Arizona’s Cautionary Tale
A key way the Affordable Care Act (ACA) helped the United States reach a dramatic drop in the uninsured rate was by expanding the Medicaid program to low and moderate income adults. Despite this suc...
View MoreWhy the Republican Health Care Bill Won’t Fully Protect People with Pre-Existing Conditions
The Republican bill in the House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), will make it vastly more expensive for anyone who needs health care, particu...
View MoreLeading Credit Rating Agencies Warn That Changes to Medicaid Hurt State Budgets
The House Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) goes way beyond repealing the ACA and includes provisions that would radically restructure all of Medicaid, capping and cutting progr...
View MoreTell Your Senators: Don’t Put Our Health Care Safety Net at Risk
After narrowly passing the House of Representatives, the Republican bill that would repeal the Affordable Care Act is now under consideration by the Senate. The American Health Care Act (AHCA), as the...
View MoreVideo: Gloria’s Family Relies on Medicaid for Life-Saving Health Care
Leslie and his family live in Oregon. They depend on Medicaid to care for their daughter, Gloria. Gloria receives home-based health care services through a special Medicaid waiver made...
View MoreVoices of Care: Celeste and Larry
This blog is part of an ongoing series of stories from people across the country who would be negatively affected by the ACA repeal bill currently being negotiated in Congress. If Congress repeal...
View MoreThe Fight to Stop the Senate Repeal Bill Is Far from Over
By now you’ve heard that the Senate will not be voting this week on the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), their heartless plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), decimate Medicaid, and ...
View MoreSenate Repeal Plan Could Hurt States’ Credit Ratings
While states are balancing their budgets and beginning a new fiscal year on July 1, credit rating agencies are warning that the new health care repeal plan could put a dent in future credit ratings fo...
View MoreAdvocates Should Comment on Radical Maine and Utah Medicaid Waiver Proposals
A growing number of states are using the waiver process to make fundamental changes to the Medicaid program. Many of these waivers set a dangerous precedent for the Medicaid program and affect the ent...
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