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COVID-19 Policy Recommendations

The United States is facing its greatest public health emergency in more than a century. Less than three months after the U.S. made its first COVID-19 diagnosis, more than half a million people have c...

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Frequently Asked Questions: State Health Coverage Strategies for COVID-19

Click the download button below to see the answers to advocates' Frequently Asked Questions about state strategies to improve health coverage and access to care in light of the COVID 19 crisis. This r...

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Insulin and Other Prescription Drug Copay Caps: Helpful Solution or Playing Right Into the Hands of the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Public support for lower drug prices is overwhelming. More than 90% of voters consistently report wanting to see the government negotiate lower drug prices at the federal level, and similar levels of ...

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Improving Pregnancy-Related Oral Health Coverage Would Bolster Maternal Health, Reduce Health Care Costs

Oral health care is vital to a pregnant woman’s health, as well as her child’s, but it is often left out of pregnancy-related health coverage. Without access to comprehensive oral health care, mil...

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Addressing the Prescription Drug Affordability Crisis: A Golden Opportunity for State Lawmakers

Prescription drug affordability is a top concern for U.S. voters across the political spectrum and throughout the nation. While the federal government and Congress continue to debate the issue, state ...

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Connecting Systems that Serve Children to Improve Their Health and Wellbeing

There are several key programs, services, and supports that should be included when developing a broad strategy to improve children’s health and wellbeing. This publication identifies some of the le...

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How to talk about High Drug Prices: A Messaging Guide Developed from Focus Group Findings.

Voters feel that drug prices are out of control and blame drug company greed for the high costs. This issue is personal for many: They tell stories of having to skip expensive medications or make hard...

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Voters Want to End Surprise Medical Billing: Insights from Voter Research

Receiving a surprise bill for out-of-network medical care is a common experience. Our national survey found that 44% of voters have received surprise bills for out-of-network care, and they said it wa...

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Making Community Health Workers Fundamental: New Research Strengthens the Case for State Policymakers to Include CHWs in Care Delivery Teams

There is considerable evidence that community health workers (CHWs) are an effective and versatile workforce that can improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs for diverse groups and health...

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Background & Methodology: Repeal Bill’s Impact on Deductibles

How Senate repeal bill changes current law Current law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides premium tax credits (PTCs) to certain people with incomes between 100 and 400 p...

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