Comment Archives - Page 18 of 19 - Families Usa Skip to Main Content


Community Statement on Medicare Coverage for Medically Necessary Oral and Dental Health Therapies

Millions of seniors and people with disabilities rely on Medicare for their health care, but it does not cover their oral health care. Even if someone needs dental care in order to have a medical proc...

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Families USA Joins Oral Health, Senior Advocates in Support of Medicare Dental Benefit Act

Families USA is encouraged to see oral health coming up early in the 116th Congress with Senator Cardin introducing S. 22, the Medicare Dental Benefit Act of 2019 earlier this week. This legislation s...

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41 Consumer and Patient Groups Urge the Trump Administration to Take Real Action on Prescription Drugs

Families USA, Public Citizen, and 39 other national and state-based organizations including the Services Employees International Union, the National Partnership for Women and Families, the AFL-CIO, AF...

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Families USA’s Comments on Proposed Rule on Medicare Part D Protected Classes

    Late last year, the Trump administration released a proposed rule as part of its efforts to lower prescription drug prices that, if finalized, could have a significant impact on Medi...

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Families USA Comments on Safe Harbor Rule

Families USA submitted this comment to Secretary Azar on the proposed safe harbor rule changes. Under the proposed rule, discounts awarded by prescription drug manufacturers to plan sponsors under M...

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Letter to Congress: Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act.

  Families USA submitted the attached letter to U.S. House of Representatives Leadership in support of H.R. 987, the Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act....

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Frederick Isasi’s Testimony on High Drug Prices to the House Energy and Commerce Committee

In this testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee on May 21, 2019, Frederick Isasi, Executive Director of Families USA, breaks down the problem with high drug ...

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Families USA Comments on the Flores Resettlement Agreement

On September 7, the Trump administration took another step toward eliminating basic protections for immigrant children and their families who enter the U.S. without documentation—including those leg...

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Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Children Health Insurance Program, Qualified Health Plan Issuers in Federal Facilitated Exchanges and Enrollee and Beneficiary Resources Regarding Privacy and Security

Families USA recently commented on a proposed CMS regulation aimed at promoting the interoperability of health information technology (health IT). We support the Administration’s efforts to uti...

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Families USA’s Comments on Pending Healthy Indiana Plan 1115 Workforce Bridge Account Amendment

Families USA submitted this comment letter in response to CMS's request for comment on Indiana's application for a new Section 1115 Medicaid waiver amending its existing waiver, Healthy Indiana Progr...

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