Statement: House Leaders Are Working for Our Nation’s Families and Seniors While the Trump Administration Continues to Puts Politics and Business Interests Ahead of People - Families Usa Skip to Main Content
03.27.2019 / Press Release

Statement: House Leaders Are Working for Our Nation’s Families and Seniors While the Trump Administration Continues to Puts Politics and Business Interests Ahead of People

Washington, D.C. – Families USA executive director Frederick Isasi released the following statement regarding House Democrats’ Legislation to Strengthen Access to Health care for Millions of Families

“Families USA applauds House leadership’s legislation that would expand access to care for millions of Americans by strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The bill would make market exchange plans more affordable and invest in measures to increase enrollment. The “Protecting Pre-Existing Conditions and Making Health Care More Affordable Act of 2019,” legislation strengthens coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and blocks health insurers from selling junk insurance plans, which the Trump Administration authorized last year. We are excited about this legislation, and support efforts that increase families’ access to high quality, affordable coverage for families.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration is calling for a judicial repeal of the ACA in its entirety through the Texas v. United States lawsuit. If President Trump is successful, access to health care, quality of coverage, and important financial protections for more than 100 million health care consumers would be in jeopardy. This includes 12 million people who get their coverage through the Medicaid expansion, 8 million who purchase coverage in the individual market using federal subsidies, and more than 50 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. It also includes the almost 60 million seniors and individuals with disabilities who rely on Medicare and would lose access to preventative services and see their cost-sharing increase as well as threaten the solvency of the Medicare trust fund.

Quite simply, House leaders are working to expand and strengthen health care coverage, while the Trump administration — through myriad ploys — are working to take coverage from the very people who can least afford to lose it. But, there’s nothing new here: the Trump administration continues to put politics first —at the peril of people across America who stand to lose financial security and face poor health outcomes — instead of working toward bi-partisan solutions to improve health care for all America’s families.

The House Democrats have introduced a strong and comprehensive piece of legislation that would take important steps to support the current health insurance system and lift the financial burdens that far too many families must incur to obtain health coverage and careIt is time that we guarantee that all in our nation have the ability to receive the health care they need to live to their greatest potential. It is one of the most important measures of our society.”
