Ron Pollack on CNN: No turning back the clock on health care gains. - Families USA Skip to Main Content
11.11.2016 / Press Release

Ron Pollack on CNN: No turning back the clock on health care gains.

Washington, D.C.—This morning, Families USA Founding Executive Director Ron Pollack appeared on CNN with Carol Costello here in Washington, D.C. to discuss the campaign our organization is launching to protect and defend health care as a universal right.

Costello and Pollack discussed the potential harm that could ensue from taking health coverage away from the more-than 20 million Americans newly covered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They also discussed the significance of 100,000 people signing up for health insurance the day after the election.

“It’s one thing not to give something to someone who has never experienced it,” Pollack told Costello. “It’s a totally different thing to give something of great value, particularly a lifeline, and they really appreciate it, then to say we are going to take it away. There no doubt is going to be a real backlash if that happens.”

Pollack discussed the major threat that repealing the ACA could have on millions of Americans. No replacement plan under a Trump presidency has been made public as of yet, but Families USA eagerly awaits to see a comprehensive, detailed proposal that will not hurt millions of Americans nor strip them of their health coverage.

“There are a lot of things we don’t know yet [about Trump’s plan to repeal and replace the ACA],” Pollack said. “But we do know there are tens upon tens of millions of people who depend upon the Affordable Care Act, who depend on Medicaid, and of course, they are terribly worried that the coverage they have would be taken away.”

Meanwhile, Families USA is ready for a fight.