05.17.2023 / Statement
Families USA: We can work across the aisle to lower health care costs
Frederick Isasi, Executive Director of Families USA, issued the following statement in response to being invited by Republican Chairman Buchanan to testify before the House Ways & Means Committee hearing, Why Health Care is Unaffordable: Anticompetitive and Consolidated Markets.
“I am honored to be testifying before the House Ways & Means Committee to discuss how extraordinarily high health care prices are the product of broken financial incentives within the U.S. health care system, creating abysmal health outcomes and financial insecurity for our nation’s families.
“For far too long, hospital corporations have used monopolies and price gouging as standard business practices. This greed has driven up costs and left families in the lurch with poor health outcomes and mountains of debt.
“I applaud the House Ways & Means Committee’s decision to work to address unaffordable health care costs caused by corporate healthcare abuses, something that voters across the country — whether they are in red, blue or purple states – want Congress to address immediately.”
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