05.17.2023 / Statement
Families USA: Ideological judges are threatening our health care and human rights
Frederick Isasi, executive director of Families USA, issued the following statement today on the Fifth Circuit Appeals Court hearing oral arguments in the mifepristone case. Mifepristone was first approved by the FDA more than 20 years ago and is used in more than half of abortion procedures nationwide.
“This case could set a dangerous precedent by potentially allowing courts to dismantle the FDA’s gold-standard process for approving medications and in doing so, prevent women’s access to certain types of health care. We don’t need extremist judges meddling in our medicine cabinets and doctor’s offices as lives hang in the balance.
“Bottom line: we need to respect the scientific process and support the rule of law. All FDA-approved drugs, including mifepristone, should be available to patients in consultation with their doctors – not ideological judges.”
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