Families USA Endorses President’s Bold Plan to Encourage Final 19 States to Accept Medicaid Expansion - Families USA Skip to Main Content
01.14.2016 / Press Release

Families USA Endorses President’s Bold Plan to Encourage Final 19 States to Accept Medicaid Expansion

Congress Should Back Offer of 100 Percent Federal Support for Three Years to Current Non-Expansion States

Washington, D.C. – President Obama earlier today announced his plan to encourage the remaining 19 states that have not accepted Medicaid expansion to join with the rest of the nation. His proposal encourages states to offer health insurance to the millions of their citizens who make too much to qualify for traditional Medicaid, but too little to qualify for subsidies on the health care exchanges. The President’s proposal gives those states the same three-year period of 100-percent federal support that the states that adopted Medicaid expansion in 2014 were entitled to. Following is the statement of Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA, on the President’s proposal:

“The health coverage of millions of Americans should not vary from state to state. We are one nation. The President’s proposal to renew the offer of three years of full federal support for Medicaid expansion should be taken up and passed by Congress immediately. State legislatures are convening to draw up their budgets, and this could be crucial to their deliberations.

“Governors and legislatures can now be reassured that, as they extend coverage, their states’ budgets and economies will also be strengthened.

“The reluctant states have nothing to lose. History shows the federal government honored its commitments for full federal funding. Given this offer, it would be unconscionable for state legislatures not to accept the President’s offer. In fact, they should lobby for it on behalf of their constituents.”