Some health insurance marketplaces allow “web brokers” to conduct direct enrollment. This means privately run web broker sites can enroll consumers in marketplace coverage and financial assistance without the consumers ever having to visit… Read more.
12.17.2013 /
Insights Column
Please join us for Health Action 2014, where you will hear from experts about the political context that informs our work, learn to identify unanticipated challenges, and join us in turning our focus toward… Read more.
11.18.2013 /
Megan Salzman,
Insights Column
We are almost six weeks into the open enrollment period, and despite the glitches, thousands of people have signed up for health insurance on and state marketplace websites. This means that families have… Read more.
11.15.2013 /
Insights Column
A newly released report from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finds that 46 percent of uninsured young adults (ages 18-34) in single-person households who may be eligible for marketplace coverage can enroll in… Read more.
11.14.2013 /
Erin Snyder,
Insights Column
Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report showing that 6.8 million Americans have saved an estimated $1.2 billion on health insurance premiums in the individual and small group markets in… Read more.
09.24.2013 /
Kate Blocher,
Insights Column