What was once a promise is now a reality: Since the Affordable Care Act became law, 16 million Americans have gained health insurance. Now, opponents of the ACA are changing tack, criticizing the quality of… Read more.
05.27.2015 /
Insights Column
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we’ve made tremendous progress in expanding access to affordable health insurance. However, the findings of our new report show that there is still work to be done to… Read more.
05.19.2015 /
Lydia Mitts,
Insights Column
By May 15 (or June 5 in some states), health insurance companies throughout the country must submit their proposed monthly premium rates for 2016 to state and/or federal regulators for review. By June 1… Read more.
05.14.2015 /
Cheryl Fish-Parcham,
Joseph Ditré,
Insights Column
Ruth Petran has celebrated Mother’s Day with her children for the past 33 years, but this Mother’s Day is special. Ruth says it’s the kind of Mother’s Day that wouldn’t have been possible without… Read more.
05.07.2015 /
Jenna Temkin,
Insights Column
In part 1 of this blog series, we explained that efforts to reform health care delivery and payment methods could be a double-edged sword for communities of color and described one example of a sustainable… Read more.
05.05.2015 /
Melissa Burroughs,
Insights Column