The clock is ticking for Congress to tackle a series of upcoming financial hurdles, including balancing the federal budget and appropriating funding for fiscal year 2016. Congress must pass a spending deal by October… Read more.
09.24.2015 /
Jane Sheehan,
Insights Column
Although 2016 is an election year, health care advocates cannot afford to wait for the November results before taking the next steps in health reform. From February 4-6, Health Action 2016—one of the nation’s largest… Read more.
09.16.2015 /
Insights Column
Last week, the federal government, for the first time, announced far-reaching regulations banning discrimination in health care. With this historic action, the government is prohibiting discrimination in the provision of health care services based on… Read more.
09.08.2015 /
Ben D’Avanzo,
Insights Column
Communities of color face significant health disparities and are more likely to suffer from certain chronic conditions, like diabetes, where early detection and treatment could mean the difference between life and death. One way… Read more.
08.26.2015 /
Cheryl Fish-Parcham,
Insights Column
Two recent reports illustrate how residents of Kentucky are benefiting from Medicaid expansion. The state experienced one of the largest drops in its uninsured rate in the country and a substantial increase in Medicaid… Read more.
08.19.2015 /
Andrea Callow,
Insights Column