A weight is lifted for Sudan, a bodybuilder, thanks to the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace insurance. Sudan works as a personal trainer for members of the military and their families at an air force… Read more.
12.07.2016 /
Insights Column
New data from the Urban Institute today show that as many as 30 million people across America will lose their health insurance if Republicans in Congress repeal the Affordable Care Act without simultaneously replacing it. The… Read more.
12.07.2016 /
Insights Column
Join Families USA for a post-election webinar to discuss what the election results mean for health advocacy priorities in 2017 and beyond. Speakers will include: Ron Pollack, Executive Director; Shannon Attanasio, Government Affairs Director; Patrick Willard, Campaigns, Outreach, and… Read more.
11.04.2016 /
Insights Column
The uninsured rate is at an all-time low, as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made it possible for 20 million, and counting, to get covered and stay covered. However, news of steeply rising premiums… Read more.
10.25.2016 /
Claire McAndrew,
Insights Column
A new study about emergency room use in Oregon is fueling the debate about whether expanding Medicaid as made possible under the Affordable Care Act leads to high emergency room use. To understand what… Read more.
10.24.2016 /
Dee Mahan,
Insights Column