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Health Equity

Health Equity Can’t Wait Because Millions of Lives Are on the Line

Families USA is proudly taking part in the Health Equity Can't Wait! blog carnival celebrating National Minority Health Month. Participating bloggers are health, consumer, civil rights, and provider a...

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Worry No More Applies to All: Pre-Existing Conditions and Communities of Color

It has always seemed backward that those who need insurance the most—people who are already sick—are turned down for coverage or forced to pay higher premiums. Thanks to the new health law, insure...

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Latinos and the Health Care Law

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the great contributions made by the Latino community. It’s also a chance to discuss the difficulties this community continually faces and reflect on th...

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The Affordable Care Act is a Historic Opportunity to Advance Health Care Justice for African-Americans

As we celebrate Black History Month and remember the contributions of African-Americans throughout our nation's history, it's important to also focus on the work that still lies ahead to achieve racia...

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Trump Administration Public Charge Rule Toolkit

NOTICE: The new Public Charge test will make life difficult for many immigrants but it does NOT apply to everyone. Learn about your rights at Key Resources Families ...

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Health Action Webinar – Immigrant Health Under Attack: Trump’s Public Charge Rule

On Monday, August 12, the Trump administration finalized a cruel regulation that will force families to choose between being together or obtaining necessary services. The "Inadmissibility on Public Ch...

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The Results Are In: Medicaid Work Requirements Don’t Work

For legal and political reasons, the Trump administration has characterized using Medicaid waivers to impose work reporting requirements on Medicaid beneficiaries as experimental, relying on Section 1...

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Final “Public Charge” Rule Discriminates against Lawfully Present Immigrants and Visa Applicants, Harming Health

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has published a final rule, scheduled to go into effect February 24, 2020, that takes direct aim at middle- and lower-income immigrants who are lawfully resid...

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Comments on Trump Administration Proposed Section 1557 Rules: Nondiscrimination in Health and Health Education Programs or Activities

The Trump administration’s proposed rules on Section 1557 will harm families with limited-English proficiency, adults and children with disabilities, and people subject to many forms of discriminati...

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Trump Administration Threatens Immigrant Families Fact Sheet

The Trump administration final rule on public charge drastically changes the requirements for certain immigrants to enter the United States and/or become permanent residents. Most immigrants who are e...

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