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Health Care Value

Consumers, Workers, Employers, and Providers Urge Senate to Hold Hearing on Health Care Affordability

Families USA led nearly 50 partners in a letter calling on the Senate Finance Committee to hold an immediate hearing on the nation’s health care affordability crisis and the ways in which big health...

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Families USA Comment on Tri-Agency Consolidation Request for Information

Families USA appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Request for Information (RFI) on Consolidation in Health Care Markets. Central to Families USA’s mission is a commitment to guaranteeing th...

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Families USA Statement for the Record for Judiciary Drug Price Hearing

Families USA submitted this statement for the record for the Judiciary's hearing "Ensuring Affordable & Accessible Medications: Examining Competition in the Prescription Drug Market."...

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The Picture of Health: A Pro-Consumer Blueprint for Health Care Payment and Delivery Reform

Five national organizations — Families USA, National Partnership for Women and Families, American Heart Association, National Consumers League, and Third Way — have joined forces to develop a cons...

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Navigating America’s Health Care Woes: A Call for True Payment Reform

Let's talk about the current troubles people run into when receiving health care in the U.S. The hassle of making an appointment, switching doctors, getting piles of bills, and managing individual spe...

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Families Need Relief from Runaway Prescription Drug Costs: State Prescription Drug Affordability Boards Can Help

States play a critical role in reining in prescription drug costs for individuals and families across the country. Enacting legislation that creates a prescription drug affordability board (PDAB) with...

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National Patient Safety Board: A Step towards Safer, High-Quality Health Care

When you go to the doctor or to the hospital, you expect to feel safe. You expect to be in the best possible place to heal what is ailing you. But if you pull back the privacy curtain, the reality is ...

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First Do No Harm: Addressing the Patient Safety Crisis

Medical errors account for 251,000 deaths a year in the U.S. and the error rate in the U.S. is higher than in other countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, and the UK. 1 in 4 experienc...

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Understanding the Biggest Threats to the No Surprises Act Achieving Its Full Potential

No one should go bankrupt from receiving health care. Yet 60% of people experiencing bankruptcy in America cite medical expenses as a leading cause. Thanks to the No Surprises Act (NSA) of 2020, more ...

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Families USA Statement for the Record for Senate Budget Committee Hearing on How Primary Care Improves Health Care Efficiency

Families USA submitted this statement for the record in advance of the Senate Budget Committee Hearing, “How Primary Care Improves Health Care Efficiency”, on March 6th, 2024. Robust and compre...

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