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The President will speak at our annual conference!

We have some very exciting news to announce! This year President Barack Obama will be joining us as a speaker at our annual Health Action conference. Other health care all stars like Minority Le...

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Expert Q&A: How does health reform help with annual limits?

Many of you have sent in questions about how the new health care law will affect you and your family. We’ve compiled answers for select questions to our experts in a short series to help you navigat...

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More benefits for consumers

    This is a guest blog by Lynn Quincy of Consumers Union. Starting in 2012, privately insured Americans will have an easier time evaluating their health insurance choices: The Afford...

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Health care spending grows at slower rate

We’ve got some good news, and we’ve got some bad news. The good news is that CMS reports that health care spending in 2009 grew by the slowest rate in the last 50 years. The bad news is that t...

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Repealing health reform has financial consequences.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) was created in 1974 by the passage of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act. Its purpose is to provide the Congress with “objective, nonpartisan...

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Reform vs. repeal

This blog was originally written and posted by Shavon Arline, National Health Director of the NAACP. As we begin this new year, the NAACP finds ourselves back in the fight to support that which i...

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Working together to build a better system

It seems like we’ve heard the same talking points from conservatives for the past year and a half. They say that the Affordable Care Act will increase the deficit, even though the non-partisan Congr...

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The numbers aren’t pretty

Before the ink was even dry on the Affordable Care Act, opponents of reform rolled up their sleeves and got to work to repeal dozens of consumer protections that were included in the new law. Well ...

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Opinion: The High Cost of Repealing Health Reform

This was originally posted on AOL News Before the ink was even dry on the Affordable Care Act, opponents of reform have been working overtime, doing anything and everything they can to repeal heal...

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Radical, Judicial Activism

Originally featured on Huffington Post Yesterday afternoon, Judge Rodger Vinson, who has presided over the 26-state lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act, issued his ruling. In a decision tha...

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