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Senate Health Bill Grants Trump Administration Dangerous and Unfettered Power

Most analyses of Senate health care repeal bills have rightly focused on the damage those bills would cause for people’s coverage and care, consumer protections, and state budgets. However, an addit...

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Where Things Stand: Watch Out for McConnell’s Bait-and-Switch on the Senate Repeal Bill

Here’s where things stand on Republicans’ reckless quest to repeal the Affordable Care Act. It’s been a dramatic 24 hours and we’re all bleary-eyed today after tracking the Senate’s activit...

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12 Facts About the Graham-Cassidy Repeal Bill

Update 9/21: The Senate could vote next week on Graham-Cassidy. Learn what you can do to stop it. The latest Republican repeal and replace plan may be the last, which is why the plan authored by Sen...

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‘Skinny Repeal’ and the Senate Health Debate

Yesterday, two major proposals that would have rolled back the Affordable Care Act’s progress in expanding coverage were defeated by bipartisan majorities. Senate leadership is now pulling togethe...

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Obamacare Repeal Defeated: Savor the Moment

We always believed in our hearts that it would not be possible for Congress to pass repeal—that we could stop these harmful efforts because too many people rely on the Affordable Care Act and Medic...

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What’s Next for Health Care in Congress: Medicaid, CHIP, and Bipartisan Reform

Congress has left D.C. for the summer without passing legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or cut Medicaid. Leadership and rank-and-file representatives and senators on both sides of th...

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Congressional Budget Office Shows the Impact of Trump’s CSR Sabotage

For months, President Trump has been threatening to cancel so-called called “cost-sharing reduction” payments, or CSRs. This is apparently part of his brazen strategy to “implode” health in...

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Congress’s Emerging Health Policy Conversation Offers Both Opportunities and Risks

After the most recent collapse of Senate efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many in Congress, on both sides of the aisle, see an opening for bipartisan health reform. Rather than take in...

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Welcome Back Congress with a Request to Protect Our Care

When Congress returns to D.C. from August recess, they will dive right into work that presents both opportunities and threats for health care. As a result, September will be a good time for health car...

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Health Care-Packed Week for Congress

Congress is back from summer vacation and has little time to waste on a packed September agenda. Legislative items on its plate this month include: passing a government funding bill and disaster reli...

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