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Senate Health Care Bill Inflicts More Harm than House Version

The Senate Republicans finally released their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. It is now evident why Senate leadership has attempted to withhold details of this bill from the public. This bill ...

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Deductibles Skyrocket for Most Marketplace Enrollees, under Senate Health Care Repeal Bill

ACA opponents often complain about deductibles in the law’s health insurance marketplaces. But under the Senate health care repeal bill, deductibles would skyrocket for most marketplace enrollees. ...

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How the Mechanics of the Cruz Amendment Death Spiral Will Work

A few days ago, we wrote about the Cruz Amendment: “If you create one pool for healthy people and one pool that only covers sick people—those with pre-existing conditions—you are thrusting sick...

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Latest Version of Senate Health Care Bill Fundamentally the Same as Previous Versions

Just as with earlier versions, the latest iteration of the Senate's Affordable Care Act repeal bill would devastate insurance coverage, gut the Medicaid program, and dramatically increase deductibles ...

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Senate Republican Leadership and the Trump Administration are Presenting Impossible Numbers on Stabilization Funding and Medicaid Expansion

The Senate health bill ends the Medicaid expansion for adults starting in 2021, leaving 11 million residents across 31 states without health care. The bill allows people with incomes below poverty ...

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Repealing the Affordable Care Act without Replacement Would Be a Disaster

Late last night, Senate Majority Leader McConnell announced that he will not hold a vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), the bill that repeals and replaces the Affordable Care Act (ACA)....

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Where Senate Threats to the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Stand

[Update 7/20] Leader McConnell is still pushing for a vote next week to repeal the ACA and destroy Medicaid, but now the Senate is back focusing on an altered version of BCRA, which received a CBO ...

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The Cruz Amendment: A Radical and Dangerous Amendment to a Radical and Dangerous Bill

According to media accounts, Republican senators met with President Donald Trump today to discuss efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The meeting featured Senator Cruz explaining his amen...

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CBO Reveals No Tweaks Can Fix the Senate Health Care Bill

On July 20, CBO scored the Senate’s third version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA). The third time is not a charm. This iteration of the Senate bill would still gut the core Medicaid pro...

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Trump and McConnell Efforts to Patch Together an Alternative to Medicaid Expansion Are Grossly Inadequate

The latest version of the Senate health bill, as with every version before it, ends the Medicaid expansion funding that has enabled more than 11 million people to get health coverage. Several Republ...

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