Families USA Testimony for the New York State Site Neutral Payment Bill - Families USA Skip to Main Content

Families USA Testimony for the New York State Site Neutral Payment Bill


On February 11 Sophia Tripoli, senior director of health policy at Families USA, submitted written testimony to the New York State Joint Legislative Public Hearing on 2025 Executive Budget Proposal: Topic Health/Medicaid in strong support of the Fair Pricing Act (S.705/A.2140). This landmark bill would provide needed relief from high health care costs to millions of families and individuals across New York and would save $1.5 billion annually in state health care spending by establishing a fair price for routine services, regardless of where they are delivered.

The U.S. health care system is in crisis, evidenced by a nationwide lack of affordability and poor quality. This crisis is occurring because the health care sector’s business interests don’t align with the health and financial security of families. The industry sets prices that don’t reflect the quality of care.

This first of its kind state site neutral payment legislation marks a significant step in efforts to slow decades of unsustainable health care cost growth and to ensure consumers can afford the care they need to reach their best health.

Families USA is excited to stand with New York stakeholders and support the passage of the first state price cap for routine outpatient services.

Click the button below to read the full testimony.