Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing and Consumers First Letter to Senate Committee On Aging to advance bipartisan policies this year - Families Usa Skip to Main Content

Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing and Consumers First Letter to Senate Committee On Aging to advance bipartisan policies this year


The Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing coalition and the Consumers First alliance – organizations representing families, workers, employers, and health care consumers across the United States – called on the Senate Committee on Aging to advance bipartisan policies this year. Those organizations specifically asked for action on reforms that will:

  • Achieve meaningful price transparency in health care.
  • Establish site neutral pricing to prevent people from paying more for the same care just because it was performed in a hospital setting rather than a doctor’s office.
  • Prohibit anti-competitive practices that keep health care prices unfairly high for patients and families.

Click the download button below to view the Letter.