Trump’s Election Puts Families USA on “Total War Footing” in Fight to Save the Affordable Care Act - Families Usa Skip to Main Content
11.09.2016 / Press Release

Trump’s Election Puts Families USA on “Total War Footing” in Fight to Save the Affordable Care Act

Battle to Preserve the Security and Peace of Mind the ACA Provides

Washington, D.C. – With the election of Donald Trump, Families USA will be “going on a total war footing” to keep the new President and congressional Republicans from repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and threatening the health care coverage of millions of people, said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA.

Following is Pollack’s full statement on Trump’s election:

“We must take Trump at his word, and he has repeatedly said his first act would be to repeal the ACA – even calling Congress into special session, if necessary. This will have tragic consequences for tens of millions of people and we at Families USA are going to be on a total war footing to make sure this never comes about.

“He has also said that he intends to restructure the Medicaid safety net – thereby jeopardizing the health lifeline for more than 70 million low-income people in America.

“Studies show that repealing the ACA will force 20 million people into the ranks of the uninsured. Approximately 130 million people with pre-existing conditions will be in danger as insurance companies are once again allowed to discriminate against the sick. We will see a return to annual and lifetime insurance caps that can leave people with severe illnesses or accidents in a ‘no-insurance zone’ where they will either go without care or go bankrupt. And women will pay higher premiums again merely because they are women.

“We will fight at the grass roots level and in the halls of Congress to make sure Mr. Trump’s proposed ACA repeal and Medicaid restructuring don’t happen. Millions of people should not have their lives placed in jeopardy through reckless action.”